

Dofinansowanie z Funduszy Europejskich

2021-03-22 02:03:42

Interview in monthly magazine „Ochrona Mienia i informacji”

2017-10-20 06:10:50
At the turn of May / June in monthly magazine „Ochrona Mienia i informacji” an interview appeared, conducted with our production manager, Mr. Rafał Suma. Interview was concerned with our system dedicated to the penitentiaries. We invite you to read the article.   ...

International Railway Fair TRAKO 2017

2017-10-18 10:10:52
International Railway Fair TRAKO 2017 On 26 – 29 of September 2017 in Gdańsk took place International Railway Fair TRAKO. It is the biggest and the most prestigious in Poland and second in Europe meeting of rail transport industry. Presentation of current level of transportation system and...